Dr. dr. Agus Roy Rusly Hariantana Hamid,Sp.BP
Spesialis / Sub Spesialis
Bedah Plastik Rekonstruksi dan Estetik / Sub Spesialis Bedah Tangan
Pendidikan Terakhir
- Spesialis Bedah Plastik Rekonstruksi dan Estetik FK UNAIR 2008 / Sub Spesialisasi Bedah Tangan, Division of Upper Limb and Microsurgery, Department of Orthopaedic and Traumatology, School of Medicine, Malaya University, Kuala Lumpur-Malaysia 2015
- 24th Annual hand Review Course & Inaugural Joint Scientific Meeting (SSHS, ASSH&Society Reconstructive Microsurgery), Singapore
- 10th Congress APFSSH & 6th Congress of APFSHT, Hilton Hotel Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
- The 3rd Annual Scientific Meeting of Indonesian Burn and Wound Healing Society (Ina-BWS), Bali, Indonesia
- The 12th International Federation of Societies for Surgery of the Hand, New Delhi, India
- The 17th Annual Scientific Meeting of Indonesian Association of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons (Ina-PRAS), Bandung, Indonesia
- The 16th Annual Scientific Meeting of Indonesian Association of Plastic Surgeons, Medan, Indonesia
- The 4th International Symposium on hand Surgery and the Advances of Hand Therapy, Bandung-Indonesia
- The 15th Annual Scientific Meeting of Indonesian Association of Plastic Surgeons, Semarang, Middle of Java, Indonesia
- The 14th Annual Scientific Meeting of Indonesian Association of Plastic Surgeons, Balikpapan, Kalimantan, Indonesia
- 7th Congress of Indonesian Association of Plastic Surgeons, Batu-Malang, Indonesia.
- 2nd Hand and Microsurgery Course, Ganga Hospital, Coimbatore, India
- The 2nd Brachial Plexus Cadaveric Dissection Course 2015, Siriraj Hospital, Bangkok, Thailand
- Brachial Plexus & Perpheral Nerve cadaveric Workshop, Department Orthopaedic, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
- Hand and Microsurgery Course, Ganga Hospital, Coimbatore, India
- Hand Trauma Course held by AO Course Synthes, Jakarta, Indonesia
- The 2nd Hand Course in Orthopaedic & Traumatology Department, Sanglah General Hospital, Denpasar-Bali
- Workshop Hand Plating, in 9th Congress of APFSSH and 5th Congress of APFSHT Bali-Indonesia
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