Dr. dr. I Gusti Ngurah Wien Aryana,Sp.OT (K) Sport Medicine
Spesialis / Sub Spesialis
Dokter Spesialis Orthopaedic & Traumatologi, Subspesialis Orthopaedic Sports Injury
Pendidikan Terakhir
- Orthopaedi n traumatologi UI 2008
- Basic Principles in Operative Fracture Management AO Trauma Course, Jakarta 2015
- Basic Principles in Operative Fracture Management AO Trauma Course, Jakarta 2016
- Basic Principles in Operative Fracture Management AO Trauma Course, Jakarta 2017
- Advance in Operative Fracture Management AO Trauma Course, Jakarta 2018
- Knee Arthroscopy Course, Semarang 2018
- Basic Principles in Operative Fracture Management AO Trauma Course, Jakarta 2019
- Knee Arthroscopy Course, Jakarta 2019
- Team Approach in Oncology Patient , Kure International Medical Forum, Team Approach in Modern Medicine , Kure Japan 2015
- Tennis Elbow, 3rd Annual Meeting of Indonesian Orthopaedic Society for Sport Medicine and Arthroscopy , Bandung 2015
- MPFL Recontruction, Combine meeting Indonesian Orthopaedic Society for Sport Medicine and Arthroscopy and Indonesian Hand Society, Jakarta 2015
- PCL Injuries Managemnt, 4rd Annual Meeting of Indonesian Orthopaedic Society for Sport Medicine and Arthroscopy , Makasar 2016
- Complication ACL Recontruction management, 47th Annual Meeting Indonesia Orthopaedic Association, Palembang 2017
- Arthroscopic Avulsion eminentia tibia fracture reapir, 5th Annual Meeting of Indonesian Orthopaedic Society for Sport Medicine and Arthroscopy combine meeting AAC, Nusa Dua 2017
- Arthroscopic ACL Recontruction with Peroneous graft, 6th Annual Meeting of Indonesian Orthopaedic Society for Sport Medicine and Arthroscopy, Semarang 2018
- Arthrofibrosis post ACL Recontruction management,7th Annual Meeting of Indonesian Orthopaedic Society for sport medicine and Arthroscopy
- Cadaveric Arthroscopic Knee & Shoulder course, Shianghai, 2010
- 1st Live Surgery of Arthroscopy ACL –PCL Recontruction Workshop, Jakarta 2012
- 2nd Live Surgery of Arthroscopy ACL –PCL Recontruction Workshop, Jakarta 2013
- 3rd Live Surgery of Arthroscopy ACL –PCL Recontruction Workshop, Jakarta 2014
- Master Lower extremity AO course, Davos, 2013
- Fellowships Sport Medicine and arthroscopy, Cardinal Santos Manila Philipines
- DePuy Synthes Institute, Advancing education and research, Annecy France 2015
- Master Knee AO Course, Chiang Mai 2015
- Advance Shoulder arthroscopy course, NUH, Singapore 2016
- Advance Knee arthroscopy course, NUH, Singapore 2017
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