dr. Made Sukmawati, Sp.A – Paediatrician
Spesialis / Sub Spesialis
Paru & Pernapasan, Spesialis Konsultan Intervensi dan Gawat Darurat Napas
Pendidikan Terakhir
- University of Indonesia Consultant of Neonatology 2016
- 2017: Prevalens meningitis neonatal dan factor-faktor yang memengaruhi pada bayi klinis sepsis di rung NICU RSUP Ssnglah Denpasar (Medicina 2017, volume 48, number 2: 113-117)
- 2017: Delayed of Enteral Feeding and Antibiotic Use are Risk Factors of Fungal Infection in Neonatal Ward, Sanglah Hospital (Medicina 2017, vol. 48, Number2: 108-112)
- 2017: The efficacy of oral erythromycin to enhance feeding tolerance in preterm infants (Paediatrica Indonesiana vol. 57 no 3, 2017)
- May 2018: Poster presentation in 21st Annual Congress on Neonatology and Pediatrics, Osaka, Japan 2020 Gastroschisis: five cases after primary closure at Sanglah General Hospital, Bali, Indonesia (Intisari Sains Medis vol 11, no 3, 2020)
- June 2020: Neonatal abstinence syndrome in three days old female infant from a HIV infected mother with twelve years of using methadone (International Research Journal of Medicine Sciences, vol. 8(3), July 2020)
- August 2020: Characteristics of referral neonates in Sanglah Hospital: reviewed from the S.T.A.B.L.E Program (International Journal of Health Science Vol. 4, August 2020)
- December 2020: Nutritional status of preterm neonates at discharge in Sanglah Hospital (International Journal of Health Science Vol. 4, NO.3, December 2020)
- March 2008: Workshop Neonatal Procedures
- July 2008: Training of Low Birth Weight Infant
- October 2008: Workshop Ventilatory Support Practice in PICU-NICU
- October 2008: Training Management of Lactation
- March 2009: Symposium Respiro Immunology
- May 2009: Basic Pediatric Mechanical Ventilator Course
- October 2009: Training Motivator of Lactation
- January 2010: Training of Trainer Neonatal Stabilization
- January 2010: Symposium and Workshop “Special AttentionnFor High Risk Newborn”
- February 2011: Bangkok International Neonatology Symposium
- October 2011: Symposium, Workshop 4th Indonesian PICU-NICU Update
- December 2011: Symposium “Management Update of Sepsis in Neonate and Children”
- July 2012: Symposium “Emergency of Neonates and Paediatric in Facilities with Limited Resources”
- September 2012: Symposium and Workshop “HFO in Respiratory Distress Syndrome as a Primary Ventilation”
- May 2013: Symposium 5th Indonesian PICU-NICU Update
- September 2013: Symphonic “Challenges in Neonatal Care: Can We Make Their Life Better?”
- November 2013: Training of Trainer Obstetric and Neonatal Basic Emergency Services
- November 2014: Symposium “Comprehensive Management of Neonatology, Emergency, Cardiology and Neurology Aspect in Daily Practices” (Speaker)
- April 2015: Symposium 7th Indonesian PICU-NICU Update
- April 2016: Symposium 8th Indonesian PICU-NICU Update
- May 2016: Bali International Combined Clinical Meeting (speaker)
- June 2016: Neonatology Workshop ”Management of Neonatal Sepsis and PICC Training”
- November 2016: Twins Symposium, Adelaide, South Australia
- April 2017: Symposium and vaccination training for pediatrician
- 25 April 2017: Workshop Smart and Safe Care Extremely Preterm Infants: Towards Optimal Quality of Life, Jakarta
- 26-27 April 2017: Workshop Neonatal and Pediatric Emergency Ultrasound, Jakarta
- July 2017: Symposium “New approach on specific infections management in daily practice comprehensively”, Denpasar
- July 2017: Workshop Neonatology “How to be successful using non invasive ventilation from delivery room to NICU”, Denpasar
- August 2017: The 17th Indonesian Congress of Pediatrics”, Yogyakarta
- March 2018: Symposium 10th Indonesian PICU-NICU Update
- March 2018: Picnic Academia-Regular course (speaker), Bali
- July 2018: Seminar and Workshop ”Developing neuroprotective care in the NICU”, Jakarta
- July 2018: Program Pengembangan dan Pendidikan Keprofesian Berkelanjutan Ultrasonografi Paediatrik, Jakarta
- February 2019: Intensive course and Hands-on Training in Intermediate Pediatric Ultrasound, Jakarta
- April 2019 Seminar and Workshop “The continuum of care in pre eclampsia mother-infant-child”, Surabaya
- June 2019: Workshop” from head to toe ultrasound: what intensivists should know the use of ultrasound”, Denpasar
- June 2019: Symposium 11th Indonesian PICU-NICU Update
- November 2019: 5th Annual Neonatology Update (speaker), Padang
- March 2020: Facilitator of Neonatal Resuscitation, Menado
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