dr. Rani Paramitha Iswari Maliawan, M.Biomed, Sp.JP
Spesialis / Sub Spesialis
Dokter Spesialis Jantung dan Pembuluh Darah (Sp.JP)
Pendidikan Terakhir
- Universitas Udayana, Spesialis Jantung dan Pembuluh Darah (Sp.JP) tahun 2017 ;
- Universitas Udayana, Master of Science Degree in Biomedical Science, tahun 2017.
- Cardiologist, Staff of Department of Cardiology and Vascular Medicine Sanglah General Hospital Bali (2018) ;
- Cardiologist, Staff of Department of Cardiology and Vascular Medicine, Bali Med Hospital Bali (2017) ;
- Cardiologist, Staff of Department of Cardiology and Vascular Medicine, Bali Royal Hospital (2017) ;
- Flying doctor to Sicilia, Italy and Seoul, South Korea (2012) ;
- General practitioner at Prima Medika Hospital (2011-2012).
- Participant at 29th Annual Scientific Meeting Of Indonesian Heart (ASMIHA), October 23-25, 2020, Indonesia ;
- Participant at 3rd Workshop of Acute coronary Syndrome held by Persatuan Kardiologi Indonesia (PERKI) Bali branch, “Management of Anticoagulant Therapy-related Adverse Events”, Bali, Idonesia, August 30rd, 2020 ;
- Participant at 2nd Workshop of Acute coronary Syndrome held by Persatuan Kardiologi Indonesia (PERKI) Bali branch, “ACS related complication: Cardiogenic Shock”, B Hotel, Bali, Idonesia, April 6th, 2019 ;
- Participant of Training of Trainers of Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support (TOT ACLS) held by Persatuan Kardiologi Indonesia (PERKI), B Hotel, April 5th, 2019, Bali ;
- Attendance and poster presenter in 27th Annual Scientific Meeting Of Indonesian Heart (ASMIHA) 2018, Ritz Carlton Hotel, April 19th, 2018, Jakarta
- Attendance and poster presenter in Intensive and Acute Cardiovascular Care Indonesian Heart Association/INAACC 2016, Jakarta ;
- Attendance and poster presenter in7thINA ECHO 2016: Echocardiography in Emergency and Clinical Settings , Jakarta di Crowne Plaza Hotel Bandung, 30 September-1 October 2016, Bandung ;
- Attendancein 28th Weekend Course on Cardiology/WECOC 2016: Apropriate Cardiovascular Services in Accordance to The Level of Care in Indonesia, August 19-21, 2016, Jakarta ;
- Attendancein Indonesian Heart Rhythm Association (INA HRS), 2016, Jakarta ;
- Attendance in symposium 2nd Scientific Meeting: Cardiovascular Critical Care in 2016 Surviving the Acute Phase and Improving Outcome di Ritz Carlton Hotel, Mega kuningan Jakarta, 29th – 31st 2016 ;
- Attendancein Bali Cardiology Update (BAC-UP) I-VII, 2011-2017, Denpasar, Bali ; Attendancein Anually Scientific Meeting Indonesian Heart Association/ASMIHA, 2013, Denpasar, Bali ;
- Attendancein symposium dan workshop Penanganan Cedera kepala, Juni 7th, 2014, Surabaya ;
- Attendancein Round Table Discussion (RTD) and workshop: Update on Diagnosis and Management of Hypertension: JNC VII pada tanggal April 26th, 2014 at BIMC Hospital ;
- Attendancein Round Table Discussion (RTD) and workshop: Update on Management Of Dyslipidemia, April 5th, 2014, BIMC Hospital ;
- Attendancein Round Table Discussion (RTD) and workshop: Strategy to Regress The Progression of Diabetic Neuropathy, 21 September 2013 di BIMC Hospital ;
- Attendancein Round Table Discussion (RTD) and workshop: Pain Management in Hospital Setting & Neuropathic Pain, 3 Agustus 2013 di BIMC Hospital ;
- Attendancein Advanced Trauma Life support (ATLS) di RSUP Sanglah, February 17th-19th, 2012 ;
- Committee First Bali Cardiology Update (1stBAC UP) 2012 The latest Management in Cardiology, Inna Grand Bali Beach, June 29th-30th, 2012 ;
- Committeesymposium 5th emergency in daily clinical practice di Jakarta tanggal May 19-20th, 2012 ;
- Attendancein symposium “A breakthrough Natural Astaxanthin for Human Health”, 2012 ;
- Attendancein Surabaya Cardiology Update III: Comprehensive Coronary Artery Disease Management for Better Outcomes, 24th-25thMarch, 2012 ;
- Attendancein symposiumCritical Emergency in Neurology and Internal Medicine, 17th March 2012 ;
- Attendancein symposium rawat luka terkini di RS Balimed, 13th March 2012 ;
- Attendancein symposium ilmiah BKFK 50 tahun, March 2nd, 2012 ;
- Attendancein Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS), March 2-4, 2012 di RSUP Sanglah ;
- Attendancein deteksi dini & penanganan gawat darurat bedah saraf at Kasih Ibu hospital, Denpasar, March 31th, 2012 ;
- Attendancein 6th Scientific meeting on Hypertension, Hypertension syndrome: The Challenge to Improve Cerebro-Cardio-Renal Outcome di Ritz Carlton Hotel Jakarta, February 21-26th, 2012 ;
- Attendancein symposium dan workshop penyakit reumatik: ”Aplikasi Reumatik yang Mudah dan Sederhana” di Gedung Widyasabha FK UNUD, January 13th, 2012 ;
- Attendancein basic electrocardiography course Indonesian Heart Association Bali Branch (PERKI Bali), Januari 14th, 2012 ;
- Attendancein symposium “Terapi Nutrisi Untuk Bayi Prematur/BBLR dan Gizi Buruk di RS Prima Medika, Januari 20th, 2012 ;
- Attendancein Ideal Strategy for Management Hypertension di RS Balimed, December 24th, 2011 at Balimed hospital ;
- Attendancein 20th Annual Meeting Asian Society for Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgery (ASCVTS) di Bali International Convention Centre Nusa Dua Bali, Indonesia, march 7-11th, 2011 ;
- Attendancein seminar Continuing Medical Education of Neurosurgery: New Trend in Surgical Management of Neurology Diseases di Grand City Convex Meeting room, Surabaya, April 30th 2011 ;
- Attendancein seminar KMPA 2011, Free sex: Impact to Girl and prevention from it,April 2011 ;
- Attendance in “pelatihan penyusunan proposal penelitian”, organized by research and development unit medical faculty Udayana University/Sanglah general hospital, November 23-34th, 2010 ;
- Attendance in symposium “Penanganan Nyeri Secara Terpadu dalam meningkatkan kualitas hidup di Aula Poliklinik Lt III RSUP Sanglah Denpasar, Desember 12th, 2009 ;
- Attendance in“seminar sehari Low Back Pain”organized by neurosurgery department medical faculty Udayana University/Sanglah general hospital in collaboration with Brain and Spine foundation, November 22th, 2008.
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