In order to commemorate Kartini’s day, Bali Royal Hospital (BROS) held community service by providing free health services in Pelataran Barat Monumen Bajra Sandhi last Saturday (29/4). Devotion to the society in the form of providing free health checks and diabetes gymnastics is a form of awareness of BROS to the community. With the theme of “Improving the Quality of Health with the Spirit of Kartini”, BROS wants to attain human resources to be healthy physically and mentally to improve optimal productivity. In order to achieve this, continuous health improvement efforts are required.
Royal Diabetic Clinic (RDC) team, nurses and doctors of BROS were present to provide blood pressure examination, blood sugar examination and provide opportunities for the community to do consultation with our doctor. Diabetes gymnastics guided by RDC team was followed by the whole community who were doing exercise around the Pelataran Barat Monumen Bajra Sandhi Renon. The enthusiastic community was seen from who attend and participate in gymnastics and also health check service.
The event followed as many as 200 participants who participated and talked to the doctor about their health condition. All participants get educated about their health condition and how to maintain a healthy lifestyle. This event received positive responses from all of the participants.
This health service agenda is a form of community service organized by BROS every year by taking a certain momentum. The month of April which is identical to the birth of RA Kartini is a momentum for us to invite the community, not only women but the society in large, to have a high spirits in order to maintain and improve the quality of health.
Dalam Rangka Memperingati Hari Kartini IKUTILAH :
Senam Diabetes & Cek Kesehatan
Hari/Tanggal : Sabtu, 29 April 2017
Jam : 07.00 – 10.00 WITA
Tempat : Pelataran Barat,
Lapangan Bajra Sandhi – Renon
* Senam Diabetes oleh Tim
* Royal Diabetic Clinic – RDC
* Cek Tensi & Gula Darah
* Konsultasi Kesehatan
Segenap Direksi dan Staff Bali Royal Hospital Mengucapkan Selamat Hari Raya Nyepi serta Galungan dan Kuningan
“Semoga Kita Semua Berada Dalam Lindungan Ida Sang Hyang Widhi Wasa”
We Care….