Bali Royal Hospital (BROS) with Indonesia Breastfeeding Mothers Association (Asosiasi Ibu Menyusui Indonesia (AIMI)), Thursday (6/7) has signed MOU on supporting breastfeeding campaign. This agreement was signed by director of PT Putra Husada Jaya and Head of AIMI Bali.
Breast milk supplies all of the necessary nutrients to promote healthy growth of the baby. Unfortunately, the awareness of the society on the importance of breast milk is very minimal. In this cooperation, both of the parties who signed the agreement agreed to cooperate in giving health and breastfeeding education. Through this agreement it is hoped that we could increase the understanding of the society on the importance of breastfeeding until the baby is 2 year old and the risks of giving formula milk to their baby.
The success of breastfeeding becomes a common challenge for all of us. Through cooperation and supports from many parties, BROS and AIMI hoped that we can improve the number of breastfeeding mother in Bali.