BROS & PRENAGEN proudly present Seminar Edukasi “Awal Kehidupan Terbaik untuk Masa Depan si Kecil” debgan pembicara dr.Made Darmayasa, Sp.OG dan dr.Kadek Hartini, Sp.A Sabtu, 24 September 2016 pukul 08.00[...]
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On Monday, 15th August 2016 BROS held social visit & Medical checks towards Veterans in Celebrating 71st Indonesian Independence Day. This event was held at LVRI Bali (Leguin Veterans of the Republic of[...]
Bali Royal Hospital (BROS) celebrated 6th Anniversary on Sunday, July 17th 2016 at Wantilan DPRD – Renon, with the theme BROS in Harmony. This anniversary celebration was held with some activities that[...]