On Friday (16/6), Bali Royal Hospital (BROS) held another social service and provide free health services to the general public. This social event and health service was held at Sindhu Beach, Sanur. In this event, BROS staffs work together to clean up the beach as a part of the social activities. The beach clean-up action[...]
Bali Royal Hospital (BROS) held blood donation event as a part of their 7th anniversary celebration, in cooperation with Bali Region Red Cross. This blood donation event was held on Friday, 9th of June 2017 at Imperium Hall Bali Royal Hospital. This blood donation event is a routine agenda held annually by BROS. The purpose of this[...]
Salam Bali Royal, Pendaftaran peserta seminar sudah mulai kami buka… segera hubungi Contact Person utk informasi dan Pendaftaran… Limited Seat.. 🙂 We Care….
Salam Bali Royal…. Serangkaian HUT BROS ke 7, kami akan mengadakan acara DONOR DARAH pada Jumat, 09 Juni 2017. Terbuka untuk siapa saja yang ingin berpartisipasi. Info & Pendaftaran: Nantari : 089 682 423 400 | Sukma : 081 916 666 102 “Harmony in Integrity”
Hadirilah Seminar Awam “Mengulas Mitos dan Fakta Diabetes” pada : Hari/tgl : Minggu, 28 Mei 2017 Pukul : 08.00 – 12.30 WITA Tempat : Imperium Hall lt. 5 (R) Bali Royal Hospital Informasi Pendaftaran : Bali Royal Hospital : (0361) 247 499 Kadek Hendra : 081999525478 Marlita : 081246998022 Biaya Pendaftaran : Rp. 15.000,- (Makan siang,[...]