Medical Support Services
Laboratory 24 Hours Service
BROS Laboratory is completed with laboratory examination tools and supported by reliable analyst and our Laboratory Information System with barcode. Our laboratory also provides most updated tools for laboratory screening such as Hematology Analyzer, Clinical Chemistry, Agregometer, Immunology analyzer and Microbiology Analyzer.
Examination that can be done in our laboratory:
- Routine Check-Up such as, Complete Blood Check (Hb, Ht, Leuko, and others) , complete urine test, heart function test, kidney function test, hepatitis, thyroid test
- Panel Check Up/Package such as: Febris package, stroke package, diabetes package, pre-wedding package, allergic package and others
- Special Check Up: Culture microorganism using automatic Microbiologic Analyzer Vitek 2

4D Ultrasonography
4D ultrasonography, three-dimensional imaging in real time, allow the observation of fetal movements and heart rate. Ultrasound examination is needed to assess fetal development.

Radiologi 24 Hours Service
Computed Tomography Scan (CT Scan)
Examining in detail the slices of tissue of the body organs such as heart, lung, brain, bone up to blood vessels with a very high quality picture.