Salam Bali Royal,
BROS bekerjasama dengan Ramsay Health Care Indonesia mengadakan Seminar Dokter “Center of Excellence Update”, pada Sabtu, 11 Februari 2017
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Segenap Direksi dan Staff Bali Royal Hospital mengucapkan Selamat Hari Natal dan Tahun Baru 2017. Semoga Tuhan selalu memberkati.
On Saturday the 3rd of December, 2016 BROS and Entrasol held a seminar named “Bye – bye U Factors” in the Imperium Hall at Bali Royal Hospital. The seminar speaker was dr. Ni Made Dwi Lestari Asti, M.Kes, Sp.GK who talked about nutrition and nutrients needed to sustain our body. They also offered bone and fat checking, zumba exercises by Zin Agnez Monica, then quizzes and door prizes. BROS hopes this event could be done yearly to raise attention and awareness to the community about their health.
In the seminar, dr. Asti Dwi said that the body’s age is not necessarily in line with our actual age. The age of bodies can be older or younger than we are. We are said to be older when our body’s age is older than our actual age. However, in essence, the aging process could be slowed down by living ahealthy life, consuming a healthy and balanced nutrition, as well as the support of a positive environment. At the end of the presentation she reminded us about the“4 S” i.e.: Healthy Eating, Healthy Activity, Healthy break, and Healthy thinking.
Kami kembali akan mengadakan sharing informasi kesehatan dalam Seminar “BYE-BYE FACTOR U” kerjasama BROS dan ENTRASOL, pada hari : Sabtu, 03 Desember 2016.
Talkshow bersama dr.Dwi Asti Lestari, Sp.GK, Cek Kesehatan Gratis, dan yang lebih seru akan ada Senam Zumba serta Doorprize Menarik.
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Bali Royal Hospital (BROS) in collaboration with Beacon Hospital – Malaysia, and PPIT held a health seminar, Stem cells – a new hope of healing various diseases on Saturday, 5th November 2016 at Imperium Hall BROS. Seminar with theme “Share Your Love, Spread Your Hope” was moderated by Dr.dr. RA Tuty Kuswardhani Suastika, Sp.PD-KGer, FINASIM, Kes. Prof. Dr.dr. K. Sukardika, Sp.MK (K), former Rector of Udayana University is one of the speakers at the seminar discussed about, “Stem Cells, What is it?”, Prof. Dr.dr. Wimpie Pangkahila, Sp.And discussed “The Concepts of Anti-Aging Medicine and Stem Cells Therapy”, Hazel Yam of the Beacon Hospital discussed “What is your DNA is Telling You” and the dr. Ni Made Dwi Lestari Asti, Kes., Sp.GK., discussed the role of nutrition in the development of stem cell in its role as an anti-aging.
Indonesia can apply stem cells, in terms of infrastructure facilities; the government should help to facilitate the development of these stem cells in Indonesia. The government should be highly dedicated, highly committed, highly disciplined to build on the health of the people in Bali and Indonesia entirely, and tourism are really helped by the presence of Bali as the island of paradise, and absolutely need to be maintained, the island of God, the island of democrated, and the island of stem cells in the future, where they can have treatment while travelling. BROS is a learning organization, and one of the activities is through a seminar like this. The seminar could be internal or external, so we could have update information about medical and health information.