Segenap Direksi dan Staff Bali Royal Hospital mengucapkan Selamat Hari Natal dan Tahun Baru 2017. Semoga Tuhan selalu memberkati.
On Saturday the 3rd of December, 2016 BROS and Entrasol held a seminar named “Bye – bye U Factors” in the Imperium Hall at Bali Royal Hospital. The seminar speaker was dr. Ni Made Dwi Lestari Asti, M.Kes, Sp.GK who talked about nutrition and nutrients needed to sustain our body. They also offered bone and fat[...]
Kami kembali akan mengadakan sharing informasi kesehatan dalam Seminar “BYE-BYE FACTOR U” kerjasama BROS dan ENTRASOL, pada hari : Sabtu, 03 Desember 2016. Talkshow bersama dr.Dwi Asti Lestari, Sp.GK, Cek Kesehatan Gratis, dan yang lebih seru akan ada Senam Zumba serta Doorprize Menarik. only 45K
Bali Royal Hospital (BROS) in collaboration with Beacon Hospital – Malaysia, and PPIT held a health seminar, Stem cells – a new hope of healing various diseases on Saturday, 5th November 2016 at Imperium Hall BROS. Seminar with theme “Share Your Love, Spread Your Hope” was moderated by Dr.dr. RA Tuty Kuswardhani Suastika, Sp.PD-KGer, FINASIM, Kes.[...]
On Monday, 26th Spetember 2016, BROS and Yayasan Senyum (Smile Foundation-Bali) held Seminar Plastic Surgery Update. This seminar was participated by GP and specialist from Hospitals and Clinics around Denpasar. There were 4 speakers: Prof.Dr.dr.Sri Maliawan, Sp.BS (K), dr.AA.GN.Asmarajaya, Sp.B,Sp.BP, dr.Agus Roy Rusly Hariantana Hamid, Sp.BP.RE, and dr.Walter Flapper and Team from dari Australian Craniofacial Unit (ACFU).[...]
On Saturday, 24th September 2016 BROS and Prenagen held a seminar “Golden Period, Best Life for Future”. The speakers on this seminar were dr. Made Darmayasa.Sp.OG with the topic “Nutrition in Pregnancy and Breastfeeding” and dr. Kadek Hartini, Sp.A with the topic “Children Stimulation”. Both speakers are generally told about the importance of the first 1000[...]